Unique Curriculum

Laugh and Love to Learn

We have developed our curriculum ensuring that kids enjoy their first school and develop a positive outlook towards learning! Our unique curriculum is an outcome of comprehensive research. It aims to promote progress in all developmental areas of a child. Our curriculum is an amalgamation of Dr Howard Gardner‘s (Harvard University) Multiple Intelligence and Rudolf Steiner’s Waldorf education.

  • Developing responsive and consistent care-giving routines
  • Providing a nurturing and affectionate environment
  • Providing safety and security while encouraging exploration
  • Encouraging and supporting each child's emerging skills
  • Promoting expression of feelings in age-appropriate ways
  • Encouraging respect and appreciation for differences
  • Nurture their own social and emotional wellness

One of the most remarkable features of our curriculum is how it provides different potential pathways to learning. Multiple Intelligence (MI) Theory provides a systematic approach to nurturing and teaching children, honouring their individual needs and strengths. The key premise of MI is that every child is smart to varying degrees of expertise in each of the intelligences – stronger in some and less developed in others. Enrich Kids curriculum engages children across all the intelligences, increasing their capacity to learn.

Enrich Kids School Name Board

Thematic Learning

Thematic Learning

The Enrich Curriculum adopts a thematic approach which is akin to the Waldorf education. Waldorf curriculum is rich with activities in oral language, music, and constructive and creative play. Every month a theme will be introduced in a fun way. Kids will enjoy learning about interesting facts about the different themes through story book reading sessions, worksheets, art and craft, audio visuals, games, flash cards, manipulatives, puppet shows etc.,

Kids enjoy school for the first time as they take an active role in shaping their own learning experiences. Waldorf education has much that is appealing; its emphasis on providing education for the whole child, the integration of the arts into the curriculum, the unhurried approach to education and schooling, and the emphasis on learning by doing.

Through this unique curriculum Enrichians will become

self-aware, compassionate individuals with a sense of responsibility towards their society!
